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About Andy
NEWS! I am organizing a workshop for ICRA 2022 on Compliant Manipulation. Please feel free to attend and/or contribute a paper!

Welcome! I am a PhD student at Yale University specializing in Robotics. I earned degrees from Youngstown State University in 2017 (BE in Electrical Engineering, BS in Computer Science) and Yale University in 2019 (MS in Engineering Sciences, MPhil in Engineering Sciences). Currently, I am pursuing my interests in robot manipulation in the Yale GRAB Lab with funding through the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. I spend my waking hours on various STEM outreach initiatives, research projects, and trying to have some fun along the way. Starting in September, I will be joining Amazon Robotics in Berlin, Germany!

Notable Funding Awards
NSF Graduate Research Fellow 2019
Robert E. Apfel Fellow 2017 (Yale)
Tau Beta Pi Fellow 2017
NSF GRFP Honorable Mention 2017
Tau Beta Pi Scholar 2016
Barry Goldwater Scholar 2016
Supporting Document(s)
Document updated January 2022. See tabs for more up-to-date information. 

"Beep. Boop. Beep"
-a robot barista's small talk
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