Amazon Inc. (To Begin)
Applied Scientist Intern - Robot Manipulation
September 2022 - March 2023
Berlin, Germany
- Working on warehouse robot picking and packaging
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Yale University
PhD Student - NSF Graduate Research Fellow
August 2017 - Present (NSF GRFP funding started September 2019)
Yale Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Please see Publications for a complete list of projects
- Brief List: Robot Manipulation, Dexterous Manipulation, Reinforcement Learning, (Self) Supervised Learning, Optimal Control, Planning
To "activate" displaying of an arrow, use its property "Visible"
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Visiting PhD Student (virtual internship due to COVID-19)
March 2020 - Present (NSF GRFP Funding)
TU Darmstadt - Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Technical Advisor: Prof. Jan Peters
Collaborators: Georgia Chalvatzaki, PhD., Carlo D'Eramo, PhD.,
and Daljeet Nandha
- Hybrid Model-Based control with Model-Free RL to accelerate
optimal policy acquisition (Model Predictive Actor-Critic)
- Optimal Control (MPC and MPPI) in OpenAI Gym
- Policy convergence exceed that of current state-of-the-art (Oct. 2020)
Youngstown Business Incubator
Biz3D Instructor
August 2016 - August 2017 (Summer Months)
- Facilitated learning at a summer camp for high school students
- Taught students how 3D printing works and how it can be used to build a
- Introduced concepts associated with solid modeling for product design
(123D Design and Fusion 360 were used)
- Developed a curriculum based on entrepreneurship
Auburn University
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the United States Department of Defense (DoD)
May 2016-July 2016
Auburn College of Engineering - Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Conducted research regarding unmanned UAV flight
- Analyzed given problems within the field, and constructed a
literature review and research proposal
- Designed experiments that fulfilled requirements to help answer
research questions
- Two main projects (please see Publications tab for more details)
- Ballistic Parachute Recovery System
- Helped maintain safety for UAV systems
- Computer Vision Algorithms for See-and-Avoid applications
- Constructed a flight simulation software using OpenGL and
OpenCV to analyze collision avoidance algorithms.
Youngstown State University
Honors Engineering Teaching Assistant/Computer Lab Coordinator
August 2014-May 2017
YSU College of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
- Aided students in the understanding of fundamentals learned
throughout their coursework
- Developed problems that required critical thinking to prepare
students for future courses
- Assisted in the creation of the initiative to expose First Year
Engineering students to 3D Printing in 2014 and 2015
- Acted as an Honors Ambassador for First Year STEM students to help
connect Honors College practices into coursework and service
projects on campus
ABB Inc.
Test Engineer Co-operative Learning
May 2015-August 2015
Research and Development - Power Systems Power Generation (PSPG)
- Tested ABB Power Systems and Power Generation (PSPG)
modules and components for corresponding tasks of
- Constructed the largest test system ever built by the ABB
Research and Development laboratory at the Wickliffe site
- Organized and coordinated co-op fundraising for the WE CARE
charity events to include Rainbow Babies Children’s Hospital
and Woman’s Safe